Release History
This is a full list of new features, bug fixes, and other items for all versions of FlexIt Analytics. The version number is based on the year, month and number of release, such as 2018.09.001 (i.e. [Year].[Month].[Release] being the first release of September 2018).
2025.02.002 Row Transformer
- Row transformer for data transformation
- SAML login improvements
- SQL Editor improvements
2025.02.001 dbt Build, Universal Semantic Layer and Data Transformation
- Orchestrate and build dbt Cloud and dbt-core jobs from FlexIt
- Semantic Layer integration for Power BI, Tableau, AWS QuickSight and more
- Major enhancements to ELT and data transformation engine
- New API data source for data extraction and loading
2024.10.001 dbt Improvements and More
- dbt Integration improvements
- Dataset column swap feature
- Datamodule role improvements
- Minor bug fixes
2024.08.001 Data Certification
- Certification of data models, columns and metrics
- dbt Model improvements
- Data lineage improvements
- SAML2 Single-Sign-On enhancements
- Visualization config improvements
2024.06.001 - dbt Semantic Layer
- Integrate with dbt Semantic Layer
- dbt multi-package support
- Minor UI enhancements
2024.05.001 - Data models and ingestion
- Data Module as code
- Incremental data ingestion
- Drill-down enhancements
- Other minor fixes
2024.03.001 - dbt Integration Enhancements
- dbt Natural Language filters
- Open dbt Cloud Explorer to column or model
- New dbt Metric config in 'meta'
- Metadata group labels (folder)
2024.01.001 - Data Transormation Improvements
- Data transformation auto-DDL creation
- Data transformation config retry attempts on fail
- Grid spreadsheet new combine rows feature
- Tail log files
2023.11.001 - dbt Column Lineage
- dbt Column Lineage
- dbt Cloud improvements
- Grid feature: frozen columns
- SAML Enhancements
- Dataset improvements
2023.10.001 - Datasets, dbt Cloud, SAML
- Datasets for lightning speed analytics
- dbt integration improvements
- SAML integration improvements
2023.08.001 - Snowflake and Row-level Security
- Snowflake connector improvements
- Row-level security improvements
- Minor bug fixes
2023.05.001 - Data Catalog and Natural Language Improvements
- New: Data Catalog to explore metadata
- New: Natural Language Query filters
- New: Natural Language Query field groups
- Bug fixes and minor enhancements
2023.04.001 - Data Masking and Rich Text Tooltips
- New: Data masking
- New: create Rich Text tooltips
- New: font/text style on all viz components
- Data Portal improvements
- Conditional Logic improvements
- Bug fixes and minor enhancements
2023.02.001 - Field Parameter, Windows Calculations
- Field Parameter - feature to show a drop-down list of fields for users to pick from
- Window Calculations - calculations for summary table data
- Added conditional styling to more vizzes
- Enhanced style control on grid/table settings
2023.01.001 - Row-level Security, Okta API Integration
- Row-level Security
- Filter formula editor
- Okta API Integration - manage Okta users from FlexIt
- Support for dbt "derived" metrics
- Other minor fixes and enhancements
2022.10.001 - dbt Semantic Layer
- Added support for the dbt Semantic Layer
- Show freshness warnings on reports and metadata
- Show warnings for source and model failures in lineage graph
- Added 'source freshness' action to alert if data not fresh
- Added support for dbt Metrics filters
- Support for dbt 1.3+
2022.09.001 - Viz Annotations and Marks, Content as Code
- Feature to create annotation Line, Area, and Point marks on visualizations
- Dashboards and analyses are code that can be import/exported for migration, source control, etc.
- SQL Editor improvements (run snippets, better suggestions)
2022.07.001 - Performance and Natural Language Enhancements
- Improvements to performance of metadata and reports
- Natural Language Query improvements
- Time grain and other minor fixes
2022.06.001 - Single-sign On and Tableau Connector Improvements
- Allow mapping of all FlexIt groups/roles to SAML groups
- Improved Tableau Connector data type mappings
- Modernized fonts and icons
2022.05.001 - dbt Integration
- dbt Integration
- Time grain feature on date fields (day, week, month, quarter, year)
- Synonym/alias on fields for improved Natural Language Query and searching
- SAML authentication enhancements
2022.04.001 - BigQuery and Redshift Adapters
- Added Google BigQuery connector
- Added Amazon Redshift connector
- Pivot table column totals
2022.01.001 - FlexIt Usage Reporting
- Package FlexIt with reports and models to report on FlexIt usage
- Improved query engine join logic
- Minor Natural Language Query improvements
- Other minor fixes
2021.12.001 - Global Filters
- Natural Language Query improvements
- SQL Editor improvements
- Global Filters in metadata models
- Dashboard performance enhancements
2021.11.001 - Natural Language Query
- Added Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyses
- Snowflake Connector added
- Rendering performance improvements
2021.10.001 - Visualization Overhaul
- Complete visualization overhaul
- Advanced viz configuration
- 6 new vizzes: Column and Line, Chord, Gantt, Stream, Waterfall, Histogram
- Improved field drag-and-drop
- Improved content backup and restore
- SQL Editor improvements
2021.06.001 - Minor Security Enhancements
- Security enhancements
- Minor fixes to drills
- Filter improvements
2021.05.001 - Scatterplot Timeline
- Added scatterplot timeline and marker size
- Enhancements to scatterplot, sankey, heatmap, word cloud
- Enhancements to top/bottom filters
- Oracle BI and PeopleSoft connector enhancements
2021.02.001 - Excel/CSV Upload, Highlight Grid
- Upload Excel/CSV to database or instant analysis
- Added Highlight/Heatmap feature to grid
- Improved Sparkline bar chart on grid
- Added column rotate feature
- Added conditional icon (~500 icons) feature to grid
- Added configuration for showNullAs and row alternateRowColor on grid
- Added advanced color picker
2021.01.001 - FlexIt Public Improvements
- UI enhancements for public users
- Improved URL Slugs
- Other minor UI enhancements
2020.12.002 โ New Vizzes and Dashboard Improvements
- Four new visualizations: bullet, parallel, tree, donut
- KPI card improvements (multi-KPI, parameters, comparison)
- Sparkline improvements
- Improved sample reports and dashboards
2020.12.001 โ PDF Export and New Calculations
- PDF and Image export for reports, dashboards and data portals
- % of Total and Rank Calculations added
- Dashboard Filter Panel improvements
- Minor fixes to query engine
2020.11.001 โ Linux and AWS Improvements
- Improved Linux services
- Improvements for running FlexIt on AWS
- Minor fixes to Data Portals and SQL Editor
2020.10.001 โ SQL Editor Improvements and MariaDB
- Added Maria DB data source
- SQL Editor improvements (syntax highlighting)
- Updated REST api documentation
- Require license for Oracle connectors
- Other minor fixes
2020.09.002 โ New Visualizations
- Added Funnel, Gauge, Calendar, Boxplot
- Viz icon re-design
- Improved viz auto-selection
- Improved viz Top-N feature
- Mapping improvements
- Improved Samples data, reports, dashboards and data portals
2020.09.001 โ Map and Geo Enhancements
- Geo enhancements: new base layers and geoJSON sources
- Map configuration and other enhancements
- Allow Windows Authentication for SQL Server login
2020.08.001 โ Data Portals
- Data Portals - data portals allow you to create a custom portal web page with tiles to access FlexIt content
- Strong password - Added requireStrongPassword option to FlexIt authentication
- Search improvements - all search is now live in a smart dropdown
- Visualization enhancements
- SQL Engine filter improvements
2020.07.001 โ Rich Text Editor
- Big Number (KPI) viz enhancements
- Rich Text editor improvements and use for all HTML tooltips
- Sparkline bar chart for Grid percentage columns
- ETL: get details of running job
- use Rich Text editor for creating tooltip descriptions
- ETL and connection improvements
- improvements to scheduling reports
- minor bug fixes
2020.06.004 โ Minor Fixes and Enhancements
- Fix for calculated fields
- Impersonation applied to data models
- Fix for content copy
- Datasource connection management
2020.06.003 โ Direct SQL
- Introduction of direct sql, which allows reports to be created from SQL that is directly executed against the database rather than wrapped in sub-queries.
- Improve suppress zeros logic
- Email: allow "tls-min-v1.0"
- External scheduler exit with 0=success and 1=failure, log details using -showMessages
2020.06.002 โ Impersonation
- Administrators can impersonate any FlexIt user or group, giving them the ability to see FlexIt exactly as that user/group does.
- Improved viz axis sorting to allow sort by alpha or values
2020.06.001 โ Bug Fixes
- Fix for Viz Legend Click
- Other minor fixes
2020.05.003 โ Data Flow Improvements
- Added 'rows per batch' feature
- Added 'retry on insert' feature
- SQL Editor larger, fixed resizing, and default cols to no aggregate
- Fixes to PeopleSoft Query and Oracle BI extracts
2020.05.002 โ User and Group Management
- Ability to email FlexIt groups
- Improvements to nested groups/roles
2020.05.001 โ ETL Improvements
- Added ETL Actions for SQL or Data Flow tasks based on run results
- Added ETL Parameters to use as variables in design flow
- Added ETL External Job scheduler
- PeopleSoft Query data extraction
2020.04.001 โ Dashboard Enhancements
- Dashboard share and embed improvements
- Added dashboard 'Rich Text' card
- Dashboard UI improvements
2020.03.001 โ Visualization Improvements
- New color schemes
- Added visualizations to samples
- Improved validation
2020.02.002 โ Mapping Viz and Geo Data
- Map Viz (GeoJSON and Lat/Lng)
- Geo data for world countries (points, boundaries), world postal codes (points), US States (boundaries), and US Zip Codes (points)
- Source Geo data from remote
- Create Dashboard from New Analysis
- Dashboard filter/prompt improvements
- Sankey Viz legend control
- Fix "Top/Bottom" viz menu
- Fix ETL date conversion (Oracle)
2020.02.001 โ Conditional Formatting, Advanced Date Filters
- Added conditional formatting feature
- Added date filter improvement for next/last n days/weeks/months/years
- Added text calculation "replace"
2020.01.002 โ Advanced CSV/Excel export, Query-based footer
- Advanced CSV/Excel export allowing selection of header/footer/groups and more
- Ability to add query-based text to the bottom right of reports, e.g. "As of Jan 29, 2020 6:23am" based on datawarehouse refresh table query
2020.01.001 โ ETL Column Mapping, SQL Server and Oracle upgrades
- ETL column mapping and data type conversion improvements
- Upgrade drivers for SQL Server and Oracle databases
- Viz fixes, REST API accessibility, and other minor enhancements
2019.12.001 โ Improved Viz
- Start "New Analysis" in design-mode for ad-hoc reporting
- Added "Viz" button when Grid-only
- Added close button to Grid when Viz and Grid are shown
- Enhanced metadata column search, select and add
- Oracle BI: looper for logical SQL; allow GO Url for SQL
2019.11.005 โ Minor Fixes
2019.11.004 โ Minor Fixes
- Oracle timezone fix
- FlexIt server restart fix
2019.11.003 โ ETL Column Mapping
- ETL Column Mapping from source to destination table
- Data conversion option in mapping
- Add data sources on the fly
- Admin: user management improvements
2019.11.002 โ Admin Enhancements
- Enhancements to administration portal
- Minor fixes to ETL component
2019.11.001 โ Oracle DB Improvements
- Oracle Database improvements
2019.10.002 โ ETL Enhancements
- ETL streaming
- Looper for iterative data requests
- ETL History and Job management (cancel, etc.)
2019.10.001 โ Encryption Upgrade
- Use latest encryption methodologies
2019.08.001 โ SQL Engine Fixes
- Fixes and enhancements to SQL engine
- Oracle BI performance enhancements
2019.07.002 โ Oracle BI Data Source
- Additional features for pulling data from Oracle BI (OBIEE)
2019.07.001 โ Docker Image
- First release of FlexIt container image on Docker
2019.06.004 โ Enhanced Drilling
- Enhanced drilling capabilities to make them easier to set up and smarter when drilling between data sources that have no common metadata models
- Improved text/string calculation functions
2019.06.003 โ SQL Report Improvements
- Improvements to SQL Report performance
- Smarter SQL debugging options
- Bug fixes for sorting, calculations, and aggregation
2019.06.002 โ Filter Enhancements
- Improved filter UI
- Added more advanced filter expression capabilities
- Minor bug fixes
2019.06.001 โ Dashboard Filter Panel
- New dashboard filter panel connects all dashboard tiles for global interactive filtering
2019.05.003 โ Excel Export
- Excel export automatically sets data types as numeric, date, etc.
- Improved webservice error handling
2019.05.002 โ Minor Fixes
- Minor fixes to aggregation and SQL reporting
2019.05.001 โ SQL Report Enhancements
- Enhancements to SQL reports for better query design and faster performance
2019.04.002 โ Home Page Redesign
- Redesigned home page to be more friendly with quick links to recent reports and folders
- Fixes to calculations and client-side data caching for improved performance
2019.04.001 โ SAML Authentication
- Configure SAML Identity Providers (e.g. Okta, OneLogin) for authentication
2019.03.002 โ Scheduling
- Improvements on report scheduling
2019.03.001 โ Data Transformation
- Use the new Data Transformation feature for Extract Transform Build (ETL) processes.
- Added Oracle BI as a Data Source for extracting data via web service calls
2019.02.001 โ Net Aggregation
- Added/fixed ability to show and use different fields for display on rows or aggregations. Use case is Net Income Statement where you need to display Income and Expenses as positive numbers, but the Total shows Income minus Expenses.
2018.12.001 โ Viz Plugin and FlexIt Library
- Viz Plugin allows you to create any d3.js visualization.
- FlexIt can be used as a client-side Javascript library
2018.11.001 โ Visualization Overhaul
Major overhaul to FlexIt visualizations. New vizzes and fixes to existing viz:
- Heatmap
- Treemap
- Packed Bubble
- Sankey
- Scatterplot with Regression
- Sunburst
2018.10.001 โ Minor Fixes
- FLEX-111 Cannot use same field multiple times on a report
- FLEX-233 Metadata error with filter on if..then calc when not saved
- FLEX-237 Prompt page โAdd Fieldsโ improvements
- FLEX-241 Tableau Web Data Connector
- FLEX-266 Drill on pivot summary level has incorrect filters
- FLEX-269 Error with If/Then/Else Calculation in Metadata
2018.09.001 โ Initial Release
- This the first official release of FlexIt Analytics to the public. Enjoy!